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Templo Mayor, Mexico

The twin pyramids symbolized two holy mountains; the one on the left spoke to Tonacatepetl, the Hill of Sustenance, whose supporter divinity was Tlaloc, the old lord of downpour; the one on the privilege spoke to the Hill of Coatepec, origin of the Aztec war god Huitzilopochtli. The sanctuary structures on top of every pyramid were committed to and housed the pictures of the two essential divinities. Access to these hallowed places was by method for wide staircases, flanked by balustrades. Sets of extensive expertly cut serpent heads were put at their base, while nearer to the top models of figures holding principles showed pennants made of splendid paper and quills.

The seven noteworthy building periods of the Templo Mayor started with a basic structure, presumably devoted to Huitzilopochtli, worked in 1325 when Tenochtitlan was established. In this way, the Templo Mayor became immensely both in size and elaboration bringing about the noteworthy structure seen by the Spaniards in 1519. Reproductions and augmentations of the sanctuary were once in a while essential due to flooding and the temperamental lakebed on which it was constructed.


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