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national park, us

The National Parks save terrific symbols of our country's geologic legacy and contain a portion of the world's finest case of geologic marvels. From icy masses to boundary islands, from volcanoes to dinosaurs, the parks have everything including curves, ravines, caverns, mountains and sand hills.

"The best geologist is the person who has seen the most shakes." If you're keen on geography and beautiful scenes, there is no substitute for going by and encountering geologic destinations in the field. Here, we show life arrangements of the fundamental and head geologic locales in the National Parks. Come and investigate the world's most heavenly shake gathering—your National Parks.

We additionally trust that you will be propelled to search out an individual geologic affair and Find Your Park in different spots. A recreation center can be a wide range of things to a wide range of individuals. We urge you to add your own particular geologic locales to the rundowns gave here.



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